Personal Blog
Not By Choice, But Because Of Death
William Ramey

In commemoration of Father's Day 2013, I would like to recount something very personal.

Shortly before my father died more than four years ago, he contemplatively said in private, "Someday . . . you are going to miss me after I am dead." I awkwardly replied, "What should I do when I miss you?" He softly but firmly replied, "Know that I always loved you." And then we hugged for a long time.

Richard and Elise Ramey My father died on a early Monday morning, a few days before the first-year anniversary of his wife's and my mother's death. They were married for sixty-six years and I was their child for fifty-five of those years. His endearing reassurance especially remains with me today because it was the last time my father told me that he loved me. He injected his serendipitous tender words into my heart on a Friday afternoon that was to be three days before his death and the last time I embraced and felt his warm presence.

My father was right; I do dearly miss him, and not only on Father's Day.

I had the distinct privilege to preside over his gravesite committal service on December 19th, 2008. Although not a poet, the time between his death and his funeral, I wrote the following words and read an edited version at the gravesite in the presence of my three siblings and most of their grown children, and my father's closest attending friends. For what it is worth, I believe that the motivation to write the words sprung from my father's final reaffirming and affectionate words to me.

The poem's stanzas are fashion in an intentional chiastic literary manner, being set forth in six concentric stanzas (A, B, C, C', B', A'), all of which encompasses the central theme in X. The poem is entitled, Not By Choice, But Because Of Death.

The dreadful day has come to bury our last surviving parent.
From a child's perception, this death is a formable challenge.
For the first time in life we are no longer anyone's child.
We've become grieving adult orphans and now testify as the last,
     Not by choice, but because of death.
This loss is harsh reality because of the sting of death.
The silver cords are broken and golden bowls are crushed.
Our hearts are aching, being filled with deep felt sorrow;
     Not by choice, but because of death.
Our mother's repository wisdom and caring ceased.
We're the abiding visible spirit of her breath released.
Her kind gestures and reassuring words will be missed;
     Not by choice, but because of death.
Their protective shield from our world is withdrawn.
For they can no longer lift their noble crowns.
We who remain are tested to plow unfamiliar ground;
     Not by choice, but because of death.
Our father's reassuring presence is clearly absent.
The flow of his encouraging words is not present.
His embraces and warm touches will surely be missed;
     Not by choice, but because of death.
The feeling of isolation and loneliness isn't done.
They who knew us best and loved the longest are gone.
Though we're loved, our siblings' love isn't like kind;
     Not by choice, but because of death.
With the relentless tide of time, the confidence of youth ebbs.
We've come now to the front of the line, later if we could have.
We bury today our father; our children tomorrow bury us.
They'll become grieving adult orphans and then testify as the last,
     Not by choice, but because of death. · © 1996 - 2021 by William Ramey
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