
It is a simple fact: if one does not know New Testament Greek grammar and syntax, then they will not be able properly to diagram. Good and artful diagramming depends on one's knowledge of grammar and syntax. Most of the following excellent works should be in anyone's library who wishes to diagram the Greek New Testament.

Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics
by Daniel B. Wallace
This has become the standard intermediate Greek grammar in many seminaries and Bible colleges. It is the first grammar to systematically link syntax and exegesis of the New Testament--all so important for diagramming. Depth, accuracy, relevancy, up-to-date presentation, and a scriptural index all make this intermediate Greek grammar first-class. This is a "must have" volume for the purpose of diagramming.
Pages: 860
ISBN: 0310218950
Publisher: Zondervan; Enlarged Edition

Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament
by Steven E. Runge
This volume introduces a function-based approach to language, exploring New Testament Greek grammatical conventions based upon the discourse functions they accomplish. Runge's approach has less to do with the specifics of language and more to do with how humans are wired to process it. The approach is cross-linguistic. Runge looks at how languages operate before he focuses on Greek. He examines linguistics in general to simplify the analytical process and explain how and why we communicate as we do, leading to a more accurate description of the Greek text. The approach is also function-based-meaning that Runge gives primary attention to describing the tasks accomplished by each discourse feature.
Pages: 384
ISBN-13: 978-1598565836

New Testament Greek Syntax
by Wesley J. Perschbacher
The goal of the author is to assist the student of the Greek New Testament to develop their ability and skill at reading and understanding the Greek text by providing a manual with abundant examples which illustrate usage. This volume is very instrumental for clarifying different parts of speech.
Pages: 449
ISBN: 0802460445
Price: Only available as used

Intermediate New Testament Greek
by Richard Young
The grammar helps to learn proper usage of NT Greek knowledge while doing exegesis. It accomplishes this goal by augmenting traditional grammar with insights from modern linguistics. The author presents a broader picture of communication that examines both the language of the Greek New Testament and how its meaning is influenced by its literary and situational contexts.
Pages: 308
ISBN: 0805410587
Publisher: B & H Academic

A Grammar of the Greek New Testament
by A. T. Robertson
You know that you have arrived when "Big Bob" makes sense. This massive volume contains thousands of New Testament examples to illustrate every grammatical principal. It is not for the fainthearted, but absolutely necessary for a through treatment of New Testament Greek. Many of Robertson's insightful analyses have found their way into subsequent grammars. Indexes of scriptural passages, Greek words, and subjects increase this volume's utility.
Pages: 1,500+
ISBN: 0805413083
Publisher: B & H Academic

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